Community Partners
Actions, Driven by Values
If it breaks your heart to imagine a child feeling alone, removed from their home and what is familiar to them through no fault of their own, then you are ready to learn more about foster parenting or the ministry of helping foster children and youth.
Being a resource parent (foster parent) is not easy, and you need to be able to care for a child whose history, culture and family relationships may be different from your own. Resource parenting requires strong skills including sensitivity, flexibility, and selflessness. Of course, each family receives training and support in learning everything they need to know. Download our guide book to learn more.
A Guidebook for Churches and Other Community Partners
Pathway has provided this ‘Guidebook’ to use in helping to mobilize, coordinate and strategically activate compassionate action within your congregation and your community. Action that is tangible! This guidebook was created to empower and encourage churches to actively pursue ministry that redeems the fatherless to family. Pathway’s goal is to help individuals in large or small churches/community groups to deliver evidence-based interventions to vulnerable families in their communities:
- To protect vulnerable children, youth and families
- To assist those in the community who provide custodial care for foster children and those who have adopted the orphaned.
Develop Awareness
Keeping foster care and adoption at the forefront
There are dates through the year that are nationally recognized for serious concerns and issues within our Nation. Most of these national months have specific Sundays within that month that emphasize these concerns, with either events and/or prayer gatherings in churches all across the nation and globally.
- January-National Sanctity of Life/Life Matters month. The 3rd Sunday in January.
- April-Blue Sunday for Child Abuse Prevention month. Last Sunday in April.
- May-Foster Care Month in the United States since 1988 under President Regan
- November-National Adoption Month. The 2nd Sunday highlighting “Orphan Sunday” and “Stand Sunday”.
National Sanctity of Life/Life Matters Month
On January 13, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation designating January 22 as the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day. January 22, 1973, was the day the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand in all 50 states. Churches around the United States use the day to celebrate God’s gift of life, commemorate the many lives lost to abortion, and commit themselves to protecting human life at every stage. Churches continue to recognize the 3rd Sunday in January as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. This ministry has expanded their vision from just the Sanctity of the unborn life to the Sanctity of Life at every stage and age, from the unborn, to the newborn, the youth and to the senior.
Blue Sunday for Child Abuse Prevention Month
Blue Sunday is always the last Sunday in April. Churches take time in their services to pray for the victims of child abuse, and for those who rescue them.
Foster Care Month in the USA
National Foster Care Month is observed in the United States during the month of May every year. It began in 1988, also with President Ronald Regan. Since 1988, National Foster Care Month continues to be recognized and celebrated.
Orphan Sunday/Stand Sunday
Orphan and Stand Sundays are part of Christian Alliance for Orphans Ministry. (CAFO) On Orphan Sunday and Stand Sunday, Christians stand for children who’ve lost the protection and care of family. We are a people called to defend the fatherless…to protect the vulnerable…to visit orphans in their distress. Orphan Sunday highlights the issue of orphans globally and Stand Sunday highlights the issue of the American orphan. The 2nd Sunday in November is the day Churches all around the world and across the U.S. observe this cause.
Will you join us in our efforts?
Reach out today to find out how you can be a blessing to these children in need. Whether through financial resources or otherwise, there are hundreds of ways to help.